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China makes breakthrough in quantum computing dilution refrigerator


China's self-developed Origin SL1000 dilution refrigerator. /Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center
China's self-developed Origin SL1000 dilution refrigerator. /Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center

China's self-developed Origin SL1000 dilution refrigerator. /Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center

In a groundbreaking development in quantum computing infrastructure, Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center has rolled off the production line of the Origin SL1000 dilution refrigerator in Hefei City, central China's Anhui Province, Science and Technology Daily reported on Tuesday. 

Independently developed by Origin Quantum Computing Technology (Hefei) Co., Ltd, the new device positions China at the forefront of dilution refrigeration technology, signaling a significant leap in the global quantum computing landscape.

The dilution refrigerator, often likened to a "quantum computing air conditioner," stands as a pivotal component in the construction of superconducting quantum computers, providing an environment of extreme cold temperatures nearing absolute zero for the operation of superconducting quantum chips.The latest iteration, the Origin SL1000 dilution refrigerator, boasts substantial advancements over its predecessors, particularly in spatial capacity and cooling efficiency.

"The Origin SL400 accommodates 336 extremely low-temperature, special high-frequency coaxial cables, whereas the Origin SL1000 can house 840 cables, meeting the demanding criteria for establishing operational environments for 100+ bit superconducting quantum chips," said Zhang Junfeng, a representative from Anhui Provincial Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center.

Crucially, the performance of dilution refrigerators is gauged by their cooling capacity, a metric pivotal for sustaining the ultra-low temperatures required for quantum computing operations.

"The Origin SL400 delivers 400 microwatts of cooling capacity at an ultra-low temperature of -273.05°C. In contrast, the Benyuan SL1000 escalates this capacity to 1,000 microwatts under identical conditions," Zhang said. Drawing an analogy, Zhang likened the upgrade from Benyuan SL400 to Benyuan SL1000 to an air conditioner's transition from 1.5 to 3 horsepower, underlining the substantial leap in performance.

(Cover image: An illustration of the quantum computing concept. /CFP)

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