The significance of President Xi's visit to the DPRK
Dialogue with Yang Rui

Celebrating their 70-year relationship, China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) are embracing new efforts to strengthen ties and promote regional peace and stability. From June 20 to 21, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to the DPRK, which represents the first visit by a Chinese leader in 14 years.

Zhao Tong, a fellow of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, said the visit is significant because the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula requires mutual cooperation and coordination between China and the DPRK, and President Xi’s visit indicates a closer relationship between the two sides.

In addition, he mentioned that prior to 2018, the DPRK had paid much attention to testing nuclear weapons and missiles. But soon after that, the DPRK turned its national interest to enhancing economic growth, which had paved the way for boosting the bilateral relationship with China.

“For China to work closer with the DPRK can help the DPRK better develop its economy and become a more powerful, richer and more developed nation in the future,” Zhao said.


In regard to the U.S.-DPRK relations, Professor James Rae from California State University, Sacramento, said that U.S. President Donald Trump is really looking forward to a third Trump-Kim meeting in a bid to reach a more tangible agreement. Professor Rae believed that China is the only country that has the influence on Pyongyang, and could help the U.S. and the DPRK restart talks in the upcoming G20 summit.

In terms of Russia's stance on the denuclearization of the DPRK, Russian Defense Analyst Pavel Felgenhauer stated that Moscow has stood with Beijing on the same side. Considering Putin’s suggestion of international guarantees of the DPRK’s security and sovereignty, Felgenhauer agreed with the necessity of partial sanctions relief if the DPRK has moved forward with the denuclearization process. 

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