As the summer heat strikes Europe and Asia, animals in Turkey's Konya Zoo need some extra care to keep cool. Zookeepers have prepared frozen fruit cocktails and cold baths for bears and alpacas to beat the heat. Check out these cute moments as these animals chill out away from the summer sun.
"New haircut. Do I look cool?" /VCG Photo
Bear cools off with a frozen fruit cocktail at Konya Zoo. /VCG Photo
Bear cools off with a frozen fruit cocktail at Konya Zoo. /VCG Photo
"The frozen fruit cocktail is way too delicious!" /VCG Photo
"Staying in water is always a good idea to keep cool." /VCG Photo
An alpaca is enjoying a cold bath provided by zoo keepers. /VCG Photo
"New haircut. Do I look cool?" /VCG Photo
Bear cools off with a frozen fruit cocktail at Konya Zoo. /VCG Photo
At Al Zawra Zoo in Baghdad, Iraq, tigers and bears also avoided the soaring heat by taking a dip in cool water pools.
A vet feeds a tiger cub with milk as it cools off in the water. /VCG Photo
Tigers swimming in a pond at Al Zawra zoo. /VCG Photo
Bears playing in a pond at Al Zawra zoo. /VCG Photo
A vet feeds a tiger cub with milk as it cools off in the water. /VCG Photo
A vet feeds a tiger cub with milk as it cools off in the water. /VCG Photo
Tigers swimming in a pond at Al Zawra zoo. /VCG Photo
(Cover image: An alpaca enjoying a cold bath in Konya Zoo, Turkey. /VCG Photo)
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