2019.07.03 19:59 GMT+8

Violent offenders must be punished in accordance with the law to safeguard prosperity and stability of HKSAR

Updated 2019.07.03 19:59 GMT+8

July 1, 2019 marked the 22nd anniversary of Hong Kong's return to its motherland. In contrast to this festive atmosphere, some violent opposition activists stormed the Hong Kong Legislative Council building and staged a series of violent actions. People from all walks of life in Hong Kong were outraged by such mob violence and unanimously condemned it.

After the incident, chief executive of China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Carrie Lam, and people from various sectors of Hong Kong society strongly condemned it, pointing out that such acts of violence seriously disrupted the order of Hong Kong and damaged public security. Lam pointed out that the HKSAR government is determined to hold the offenders accountable and bring them to justice.

The rule of law is one of the cornerstones and a core value of Hong Kong. As always, the law-abiding spirit, embodied by Hong Kong and the people of Hong Kong, has been widely praised and did not allow any stain spilled by a small number of people. 

Those violent radicals have seriously trampled on the rule of law, disrupted the order and harmed the fundamental interests of the general public in Hong Kong SAR. Their violence is a blatant challenge to the bottom line of the principle of "one country, two systems."

Hong Kong SAR chief executive Carrie Lam speaks during a press conference at the government headquarters in Hong Kong SAR, China, June 18, 2019. /AFP Photo

They must not be tolerated, and their violent actions must be severely punished in accordance with the law. Conniving in such violence means violating the spirit of the rule of law, disrespecting all law-abiding residents, and putting the future of Hong Kong SAR and the fundamental interests of all Hong Kong people at risk.

Hong Kong is a pluralistic society, and it is not surprising that there are different views or even major differences on some issues, but if things fall into the trap of "pan-politicization" which incites antagonism and confrontation, it will not help the situation and even seriously hinder economic and social development in Hong Kong SAR. 

Politicizing or even demonizing the HKSAR government's move on the extradition bill, creating divisiveness and inciting illegal actions damages Hong Kong's reputation as a hub for international business and harms the vital interests and fundamental well-being of Hong Kong people.

The incident of violence against the Legislative Council sends a message to the people of Hong Kong that the rule of law and order of Hong Kong and the prosperity and stability of the region are to be cherished as much as people's lives. No one can pursue the so-called political ends at the expense of tearing society apart and undermining the rule of law. 

Visitors at the Ngong Shuen Chau Naval Base of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison in Hong Kong SAR, China, June 30, 2019. /VCG Photo

Hong Kong people should firmly support the HKSAR government and the police in performing their duties in accordance with the law, guard against a small number of people who have ulterior motives and create chaos, and resolutely prevent foreign forces from harming the sovereignty and security of China and the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong SAR.

Harmony leads to auspiciousness, while violence leads to divisiveness. Hong Kong is blessed with good endowment and favorable conditions for development, but its resources should not be squandered, nor should its energy be wasted in fighting over internal disputes, especially when we are living in an age of deep transformations of the global economic pattern and increasingly fierce international competition. 

In view of the challenges faced by Hong Kong, we are all the more aware of the paramount importance of the rule of law to the future of Hong Kong and the urgency of cultivating a culture of respecting the Constitution and the Basic Law and safeguarding the rule of law in Hong Kong SAR.

We hope that all sectors of the Hong Kong society will come together and create favorable social atmosphere and conditions for the HKSAR government to govern in accordance with the law, develop the economy and improve people's livelihoods. We firmly believe that with the support of the central government and all Hong Kong people, Hong Kong SAR will continue to maintain its prosperity and stability and make new achievements in the great practice of "one country, two systems" principle.

(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at opinions@cgtn.com.)

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