Most of the victims were young people in their 20s and 30s that could have bright futures, said the company's president. The fire at Kyoto Animation was considered the darkest day in the history of animation. /VCG Photo
Mourners paid tribute to the victims who died in the fatal arson attack in front of the torched Kyoto Animation building in Kyoto, Japan on Saturday. /VCG Photo
Flowers brought by the mourners were placed in rows in front of the building. /VCG Photo
The death toll of Thursday's attack climbed to 34 as another victim who received treatment in the hospital was confirmed dead on Friday. /VCG Photo
Most of the victims were young people in their 20s and 30s that could have bright futures, said the company's president. The fire at Kyoto Animation was considered the darkest day in the history of animation. /VCG Photo
Mourners paid tribute to the victims who died in the fatal arson attack in front of the torched Kyoto Animation building in Kyoto, Japan on Saturday. /VCG Photo
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Copyright © 2018 CGTN. Beijing ICP prepared NO.16065310-3