Beijing's plans to develop night life with 'Night Capital' landmarks
Yang Meng

Beijing plans on developing its night scene by cultivating "Night Capital" landmarks in certain parts of the city by the end of 2021 according to 13 measures recently rolled out by the Beijing Municipal Government.

'Night Capital' landmarks

The city has identified four areas for development – Qianmen's Dashilan Street, the Tai Koo Li Sanlitun area, China World Trade Center and Wukesong – as the next “Night Capital” landmarks. Together the four areas represent China's ancient culture and it's modern style. While the China World Trade Center is a bustling business area, Qianmen's Dashilan Street is of historic significance. 

Night view of China World Trade Center area. /VCG Photo

Night view of China World Trade Center area. /VCG Photo

Besides these four areas, Beijing is also encouraging the businesses and shops to extend their hours to give residents more options at night throughout the city.  

The new measures are seen as a way to "to increase the supply of high-quality consumption, an important way to support further building international consumption centers and an important practice to meet the people's growing needs for a better life,” said an official from the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau to 

Night view of Tai Koo Li Sanlitun area. /VCG Photo

Night view of Tai Koo Li Sanlitun area. /VCG Photo

So much more than 'Midnight Diner'

Night view of a 24 hour restaurant on Guijie street. /VCG Photo

Night view of a 24 hour restaurant on Guijie street. /VCG Photo

Late night dining is probably the first thing that comes to mind when talking about night activities. Dining is among the measure's focus areas, but Beijing has also outlined other activities including developing night markets in Beijing's 16 districts along with summer and weekend festivals.

People will see an upgrade in Beijing's public bathrooms, along with an increase in the number of light shows.

Night view of Beijing Back Sea Bar street. /VCG Photo

Night view of Beijing Back Sea Bar street. /VCG Photo

Night tours

For tourists looking forward to a "night tour", the city is encouraging popular destinations in central parts of the city to stay open later.

Night view of the Summer Palace. /VCG Photo

Night view of the Summer Palace. /VCG Photo

The Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the Olympic Forest Park, and Chaoyang Park and other places will organize night tour activities according to the city official.

Beijing will also encourage parks and community fitness areas to stay open longer. 

Public transport service to be extended

Wangfujing Station on Line 1 of Beijing Subway. / VCG Photo

Wangfujing Station on Line 1 of Beijing Subway. / VCG Photo

Thriving night activities need better transportation.

According to new measures published on the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport's website, the city's two main subway lines – Line 1 and Line 2 – will have extended operating hours from May to October, every Friday and on weekends. Some buses will also continue operating later and additional parking facilities are also planned.

(Top image designed by Jia Jieqiong.)