2019.07.22 13:28 GMT+8

Newborn giant panda twins survive 10-day danger period

Updated 2019.07.22 15:00 GMT+8

A pigeon pair of newborn twin giant panda cubs has safely passed the 10-day danger period following their birth, according to breeders at a giant panda research center in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

The cubs were born on July 10. The elder brother was 122 grams while his younger sister was 170 grams. The organs of newborn pandas are very underdeveloped and the surviving rate of newborns is extremely low in the wild. Therefore, cubs need to be in incubators for the first few weeks after birth.

The cubs are still mostly pink and spend most of their time sleeping inside their incubator. When sniffing something unfamiliar when new visitors are around, the cubs would crawl under their covers with only their tiny pink tails protruding outside.

The breeders have made customized U-shaped pillows filled with millet that can be heated to make them feel like they're sleeping in their mother's arms..

When the pair comes out of the incubator, they will be welcomed into the caring arms of their 19-year-old mother, Zhu Zhu, who is experienced in parenting.

The duo are the first pair of giant panda twins born in the province in 2019.

(Cover image via screenshot.)

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