18 panda cubs celebrate birthday party in SW China's Sichuan Province

On July 25, the Shenshuping base in Wolong National Nature Reserve in southwest China's Sichuan Province threw a big birthday party for 18 panda cubs born in 2018.

All of the 18 cubs are to turn one year old between June and September.

Research center staff prepared a fancy fruit birthday cake for the panda cubs. Giant panda fans were also invited to attend the birthday party.

There are nine male and nine female cubs, including three pairs of twins.

The cubs are also entering the teething stage and therefore have a supplementary diet of tender bamboo shoot tips each day to help grind their new teeth.

In 2018, 31 panda babies, 15 females and 16 males, were born in the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. There are seven twins among them.

So far, the captive population of giant pandas in the center has reached 285, accounting for about 60 percent of the total captive giant panda population in the world.