Giant panda——skillful tree climber
An adorable moment was recently captured in Bifengxia Giant Panda Base, southwest China's Sichuan Province, during which two giant pandas were trying to climb a tree. /VCG Photo

An adorable moment was recently captured in Bifengxia Giant Panda Base, southwest China's Sichuan Province, during which two giant pandas were trying to climb a tree. /VCG Photo

The pandas lounged and hung from tree branches; they were as agile as action movie stars. /VCG Photo

The pandas lounged and hung from tree branches; they were as agile as action movie stars. /VCG Photo

The giant panda is widely regarded as a cute animal with a chubby body, but it is also an expert tree climber. /VCG Photo

The giant panda is widely regarded as a cute animal with a chubby body, but it is also an expert tree climber. /VCG Photo