2019.08.31 12:44 GMT+8

Love never forgets

Updated 2019.08.31 12:44 GMT+8

A 73-year-old Chinese man has been taking care of his wife, diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD), for the last 10 years. Although unable to reverse the process of her gradual memory loss, caused by the disease, Uncle Wang wishes to be the last person she forgets; and he will always remember her as his good wife until the last moment. /VCG Photo

Wang, who earlier worked for a pharmaceutical factory, found out her wife's medical condition after she could not find her hotel room while the couple was on vacation. /VCG Photo

Wang said he and his daughter will do anything to cure the disease if there is a solution. The illness is painful as his wife cannot swallow food or make cognitive judgments. However, he reassures her with a great deal of patience. /VCG Photo

Apart from taking good care of his wife, Wang also studies about AD and offers voluntary assistance to families with AD patients. /VCG Photo

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