2019.09.28 17:23 GMT+8

China and the World in the New Era: Opportunity with shared interest

Updated 2019.09.28 17:23 GMT+8
Dialogue with Yang Rui

On September 27, China's State Council Information Office issued a white paper titled "China and the World in the New Era" . It lays out aspirations for the country's development, for engagement with the world, and the creation of new opportunities, not just for itself, but for a community of enlightened and shared interest.

Wang Huiyao, the president of the Centre for China and Globalization, said this white paper summarizes the achievements that China has made in the past 70 years and from that a suitable path with China's unique characteristics could be seen. Moreover, he points out that it emphasizes globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative in a more economic scheme that China can connect with the World.

Most importantly, he adds that it's the first time that China is able to find out what are good for China, and the peaceful rise of China is a great opportunity for the world. This white paper is not just emphasizing China but is in a more global context.

From the perspective of an Indian, Atul Aneja, the associate editor of The Hindu, reflects that China's rise showcases the inauguration of a multipolar world where the order of the old world has been cracked, and it is also the first time having an Asian country as one of the leading powers and influences the world. But he also mentioned this is a challenge for China to manage its rise along with other major powers of the world in the future.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, a director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, believes that China's rise has been of enormous benefit to the Chinese people and the world, and the great economic catching up of China during the last 40 years has been remarkable and beneficial globally.

More importantly, he points out that the white paper confirms that China's rise is within the UN's charter and system, which shows that China isn't seeking hegemony and domination and it has never launched any wars. It is a peaceful rise. Moreover, it reinforced that China is not a threat; it is not overturning the international system; despite the neo-conservatives in the United States attempted to stop or slow China's continued development as they provoked the ongoing trade war.

Dr. Yu Jie, a senior research fellow on China at Chatham House, says that China's Reform and Opening-up has proved to be suitable for China's development through the four decades. She added that there is no need to follow the Western model, because this world is not made up by a binary view. Instead, each different country should look for an independent path and its economic future. 

Prof. Sachs supplements it that in terms of the model of economic growth, China's mixed economy model isn't unique. He explains that successful economies such as those of Germany or Northern Europe are also mixed economies. However, the major difference between them is that they were not facing the same challenges that China faced. He then pointed out the notion of a mixed economy should be understood as a desirable feature.

Although China has completed a substantial part of catching up and it is now a technological innovator, he is concerned about sustainable development in the future, where economic development must be combined with environmental measures to stop global warming and pollution.

For instance, he mentioned that China has a wonderful initiative called the Global Energy Interconnection calling for the whole world should be linked with renewable energy.

Dialogue With Yang Rui is a prime time daily English talk show on CGTN. The 30-minute talk show covers a wide range of domestic and international topics, providing a balanced and critical perspective on current affairs and analysis within the framework of cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary comparisons. 

Schedule: Monday-Sunday
Time (GMT): 0330, 1130, 1930

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