Variegated Madras Thorn: The plant with amazing leaves

Most plants are known for their beautiful flowers, but variegated madras thorn is an exception. The plant, native to Mexico and Central America, has foliage of many colors including white, green and pink. This is very rare in the plant world, which makes variegated madras thorn a captivating feast for the eyes for plant enthusiasts. 

Variegated madras thorn. /CGTN Photo

Variegated madras thorn. /CGTN Photo

What's more interesting is that the plant lets out a special fragrance that attracts scarab beetles. Thus the plant is also called "Scarab Beetles Tree" in Chinese.

Variegated madras thorn is a typical tropical plant. /CGTN Photo

Variegated madras thorn is a typical tropical plant. /CGTN Photo

Unlike other variegated plants, the leaves of variegated madras thorn change color as they grow: pink or white for new leaves, a mixture of white and green for mature leaves, and full green for older ones.

Mature leaves of variegated madras thorn. /CGTN Photo

Mature leaves of variegated madras thorn. /CGTN Photo

Here are some tips for taking care of this interesting plant.

1. Strong light is preferred. It can grow under shade, but it will produce more white leaves.

2. Prune the plant to stimulate new leaf growth.

3. The plant can survive droughts and poor soils, but it's better to grow it in well-drained soil.

4. Variegated madras thorn is a typical tropical plant. So it can't stand much coldness.

5. There are sharp spines near leaves, so keep the plant away from children.