2019.11.05 15:05 GMT+8

Oil clean-up underway in Brazil

Updated 2019.11.05 15:05 GMT+8

Municipality workers and volunteers cleaned oil on a beach in Lauro de Freitas, Bahia state, Brazil, on November 2, 2019. 

The beaches of Buraco da Velho and Ipitanga, in the metropolitan area of Salvador, are among the most affected by an oil spill that occurred in early September. 

The oil spill in Brazil could be a disaster for diverse marine life like coral reefs, seabirds and sea turtles.

A volunteer cleans up oil at a beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

A volunteer cleans up oil with a net at a beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

An oil-stained net and flippers that are used to clean up oil on a beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

This crab is one of the many marine animals affected by oil at a beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

Volunteers clean up oil as people enjoy the beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

Municipality workers remove a bag of oil-filled sand after cleaning up a beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

A municipality worker pours oil-filled sand onto the flatbed of a truck after cleaning a beach. /VCG Photo

A volunteer cleans up oil on a beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

A municipality worker holds up a net that is used to trap oil on a beach in Brazil. /VCG Photo

Read more: 

Oil spill threatens marine ecology in Brazil's northeastern coast

(All images via VCG)

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