Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art exhibition around the corner
The 3rd Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art titled "Boundless Encounters" will be held November 26, 2019-February 9, 2020, at Zhejiang Art Museum, China National Silk Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in east China's Hangzhou City. /VCG Photo

The 3rd Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art titled "Boundless Encounters" will be held November 26, 2019-February 9, 2020, at Zhejiang Art Museum, China National Silk Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in east China's Hangzhou City. /VCG Photo

This exhibition, held every three years since 2013, features fiber artwork by creators from across the world. /VCG Photo

This exhibition, held every three years since 2013, features fiber artwork by creators from across the world. /VCG Photo

The participating artists will expand the boundless intervention of fiber art to the physical community and daily life and also show the extra-daily leading role of fiber art in consumer culture. /VCG Photo

The participating artists will expand the boundless intervention of fiber art to the physical community and daily life and also show the extra-daily leading role of fiber art in consumer culture. /VCG Photo