The 10.4 million Yi people form the sixth most populous ethnic minority in China. The Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Sichuan Province is the largest community of Yi people in the country.
The beautiful Huopu Village in Zhaojue County lies in an mountainous area. Home to just over 700 people, the village used to be one of the poorest places in China. The annual per capita income was far below the national average.
Villagers traditionally spent extravagantly on weddings and funerals, driving themselves deeper into poverty.
President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Sanhe and Huopu villages in the county in February, 2018, urging the local officials to change the outdated ways of thinking and follow good practices.
目前,火普村已顺利制订实施村规民约, 婚丧喜事一律从简, 改变过去大操大办的旧习俗。
Huopu Village has created new "village rules," by which weddings and funerals should be simple. The habit of big spending was eliminated.
The "village rules" have transformed life for the villagers. Now the village has opened up new businesses and the income per capita has almost doubled in three years. By the end of 2018, Huopu Village had been lifted out of poverty.