2020.01.31 09:07 GMT+8

China to continue to support Libya's political settlement process

Updated 2020.01.31 09:07 GMT+8

File Photo: A general view of buildings ravaged by fighting in Sirte, Libya. /AP Photo

A Chinese envoy on Thursday said that China will continue to support and facilitate the Libyan political settlement process, while noting that the current priority for the country is to achieve sustained ceasefire.

"As a permanent member of the Security Council, China will continue to support and facilitate the Libyan political settlement process, support Libyans' pursuit of peace and tranquility, and contribute to bring back a peaceful and stable Libya," Wu Haitao, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, told the Security Council meeting on the situation in Libya.

Noting that the current priority is to achieve sustained ceasefire, the envoy said that parties to the Libyan conflict should proceed from the overall interests of their country and people, and aim for an immediate ceasefire to ease tensions, and return to the track of finding a solution through peaceful dialogue and consultation.

"Countries with influence should play an active role by exerting their influence, pushing the Libyan parties to bridge their differences and enhance mutual trust, and providing constructive assistance in bringing about a ceasefire and restoring political dialogue," he said.

Wu said that the protracted conflict in Libya has been lasting for nine years, which is a "snapshot" of the continued turbulence in western Asia and northern Africa, and has inflicted "a dire disaster" on the Libyans and jeopardized the security and stability of neighboring countries and the entire region of western Asia and northern Africa.

"Spillover problems arising from the Libyan situation, such as arms proliferation, refugees and terrorism, have posed great challenges to neighboring countries, the region and even the whole world," said the envoy.

"China has been closely following the developments in Libya and appreciates recent actions taken by the international community, which have been constructive in alleviating the Libyan situation," he said.

File Photo: Member states vote to approve a resolution that will impose a no-fly zone over Libya during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council at UN headquarters. /AP Photo

Wu commended the international conference on the Libyan question, which was recently convened in Berlin with a communique released, noting that the document demonstrates the "important consensus" reached among the participants.

"China welcomes this process," said the ambassador.

The envoy noted that to implement the outcomes of the Berlin conference with concrete steps will require the concerted efforts of all Libyan parties, relevant regional countries and the international community as a whole.

"As for the Council's endorsement of the Berlin outcomes, we not only need to have a sense of urgency, but also try to accommodate the concerns of all sides," he noted.

Wu called on the Council to keep united and make every effort to adopt "an actionable resolution" as early as possible.

"Global synergies should be formed," said Wu.

"The international community should respect Libya's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity... stay committed to the Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political process under the UN framework," he said.

Noting that the Libyan question is closely linked with the original situation, Wu said that any solution should accommodate the legitimate concerns of regional countries.

"And in this regard, the unique role of relevant countries should be brought into play," he said. 

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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