People thank medics fighting COVID-19 worldwide

Lights on the Eiffel Tower in Paris spelled out "Merci," or thanks, on March 27 in honor of medical fighters against the COVID-19. 

Other French cities like Toulouse, Lyon, Nice and Strasbourg have also expressed gratitude publicly. 

The British public launched the "Clap for Our Carers" national campaign – a mass round of applause last week, when thousands of people across the country appeared at doorsteps, windows, gardens and balconies in a show of appreciation to doctors, nurses and those involved in tackling COVID-19. 

As the coronavirus pandemic has hit many countries and regions around the world, an increasing number of medical workers are braving their lives to the coronavirus to save lives. 

People worldwide have hailed them as heroes and expressed their gratitude through various means, from light shows to pop-up events. 


Earlier this month, folks across Italy – one of the hard-hit countries in Europe – kept spirits high by clapping and shouting their support on their balconies to thank medical staffs. 

People under lockdown applaud from their windows and balconies in Turkey, Spain, Peru and other countries in a social media-coordinated gesture of support. 

In Spain, over 12,000 health workers have been infected with the coronavirus, accounting for 14 percent of the country's 85,195 confirmed cases, deputy health emergency chief Maria Jose Sierra said on Monday. 

In Italy, the number of doctors who have died from the virus had risen to 41 with some 4,824 health workers infected by March 23, according to the Italian National Institute of Health. 

Albeit under-equipped, hospital staff put aside their fear for death. With countries deeply concerned about a gap in healthcare, some doctors are crossing borders to offer a helping hand. 

China has provided assistance to 89 countries and four international organizations, according to the China International Development Cooperation Agency.  

(With input from Xinhua News Agency)

(Cover image: Cartoon images of medical workers. /VCG)