2020.04.02 10:28 GMT+8

Answer Bank: What to do if someone in your home is sick

Updated 2020.04.02 10:28 GMT+8
By She Jingwei

As the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve, people around the world are being asked to stay indoors, practice social distancing and avoid crowds. During home isolation, it is of great importance to know how to care for and live with someone who is sick, especially during a pandemic.  

The idea behind social distancing is to create physical separation that could reduce each individual's risk of infection. Staying home could limit direct contact with others; however, your contact isn't really limited unless you live alone. While you can't avoid your family members altogether, it's recommended for you to take the following reasonable steps that are appropriate for you and your family:  

1. Keep the ill person in a separate room in the house 
2. Avoid sharing personal items 
3. Keep furniture surfaces disinfected 
4. If you become sick, stay in contact with others by phone or email 
5. Stay informed about the local outbreak situation 
6. Take care of the emotional health of your household members, including yourself 

A previous case shows that a junior from a university in China's Wuhan did not infect his parents or other relatives during home isolation after he was diagnosed with COVID-19. In an interview after he recovered, he told the media that during home isolation, he wore a mask every day and avoided contact with his family including not sharing personal items and staying in a separate room in the house.  

It's never easy caring for and living with someone who is sick, and it's even more stressful during a pandemic. But if any one of us can follow the reasonable steps above, the risks of getting the disease during home isolation could be reduced. 

(Cover image designed by Sa Ren)

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