Professor Ian Goldin: Globalization will not reverse but face changes

Now there are arguments that some governments are encouraging companies to move factories back home, because they fear that this pandemic gives them a lesson that too much reliance on China's supply chain would pose a threat for their economy. Will this trend be true? Will this pandemic reverse globalization? Our reporter Yang Shanshan talks to Oxford professor Ian Goldin to discuss this topic. Professor Ian Goldin was vice president of the World Bank from 2003 and 2006. In 2014, he and Mike Mariathasan wrote a book called The Butterfly Defect and warned that globalization in a hyper-connected world is vulnerable to global emergencies. In CGTN's exclusive interview, he said he believes that globalization will still continue, but this pandemic will bring radical changes to the globalization trend: world gravity moving to Asia and manufacturing closer to the home market.