2020.04.20 11:52 GMT+8

Central China natural reserve welcomes over 140 fawns this spring

Updated 2020.04.20 11:52 GMT+8

Shishou Milu Deer National Nature Reserve in Shishou City in central China's Hubei Province has welcomed more than 140 milu fawns this spring. The actual number could be higher because the mothers often hide their calves in grass or bushes until they can walk on their own.

The time between March and May is when most of the babies arrive, and the animal protection staff working at the nature reserve have been keeping an eye out for the little ones.

Native to China, the milu deer once went extinct in the wild due to overhunting and habitat loss in 1900. Only a few deer that were transported to Europe survived and were later acquired by British duke Herbrand Russell to be raised at the Woburn Abbey. In 1985, 22 milu deer were brought back to China to rebuild its population.

(Cover image via VCG)

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