Spotted seals seek a population increase in NE China

At the Liaohe Estuary in Panjin City of northeast China's Liaoning Province, the spotted seals are always considered welcome guests when they arrive every year. Under the second-class state protection in China, this species is seeking a population increase that is possible thanks to the corresponding protections by local people and authorities.

The spotted seals usually enter the Liaodong Bay during every November and December, and breed on the ice from January to February. After the ice and snow melt in March and April, the seals, with their newborn cubs, will appear at the Sandaogou sea area of Panjin City. In the video that was taken by volunteers during March, number of cubs that were born this year had an apparent increase than the past years.

Due to improvements in the protection methods of local authorities and the awareness of local fishermen, spotted seals are ensured to get a good environment where they can thrive. According to experts, the number of spotted seals is likely to increase by 10-20 percent every year under the current circumstances.

(Cover image via VCG)

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