2020.04.25 16:50 GMT+8

Five flamingos spotted in north China wetland

Updated 2020.04.25 16:50 GMT+8

Recently, forest police spotted five flamingo birds in the wetland in Bayannur City in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Flamingos usually live in salt lakes and wetlands where it can get enough brine shrimps, algae and insect larvae for food. It majorly distributed in tropical to sub-tropical areas. In China, the bird was spotted in provinces like Shanxi, Shandong and Shaanxi, appearing only in small groups.

Experts indicate that the five flamingos might have arrived at this wetland in mid-April for rest after a migration. They will stop here for a rest before another migrating journey. The forestry police will increase the patrolling intensity to ensure the safety of the flamingos.

(Cover image via VCG)

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