The Global Guardians: Angel on wheels
Global Stringer

Rodrigo Heredia Chia is a businessman, a social activist, an amateur rescue and relief worker and a biker. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Mexico, he set up a collaborative network through the social media to raise funds and provide first aid to victims of the virus – those who have lost their jobs, those on the margins of society and poor families.

With the donated funds, he bought food from local markets and distributed it personally on his motorbike to families in need in Mexico City. The help will get them going for two or three weeks as they wait for government help to crystallize.

Rodrigo made the headlines in 2017 for taking part in a search and rescue mission after an earthquake rocked the city. Back then he was helping people by getting them out of the rubble and saving their lives. He is still helping his community, but this time the context is different: it's a pandemic never seen before in Mexico.

Stringer: Luis Carballo, Picante films