Hengdian Town, known as the Orient Hollywood, is a town in Zhejiang Province. It has the largest film set in the world and it is the birthplace of tens of thousands films and TV shows in China and abroad.
Aside from that, "Hengpiao" (Hengdian Drifters) is also what Hengdian Town is famous for. Every year, thousands of people from all over China come to Hengdian to pursue the dream of being a star in the galaxy of actors and actresses, but as the saying about the industry goes: "many who want it but few who make it." Despite all of that, it had not stopped people from rushing to this place and try to reach their dreams, that was until the year 2020 began and COVID-19 came and hit them hard.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, nearly all of the studios halted production; no filming meant Hengpiao had no sources of income. So many people became a delivery driver; a relatively stable job that put food on the table and has helped keep people's dreams alive. Even in a situation like this, they still dream big and haven't given up. They have waited for the day when they can stand on stage and shine.