2020.09.09 16:17 GMT+8

Wang Yi to attend SCO meeting, visit Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia

Updated 2020.09.09 18:46 GMT+8

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the Meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member States in Russia and visit Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia from September 10 to 16, announced Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday.

The visits are important diplomatic activities aimed at promoting cooperation among the SCO countries and deepening the friendship among the four countries, said the spokesperson Zhao Lijian during Wednesday's regular press conference.

Noting that Russia is the SCO's chair country for 2019-2020, Zhao said that China will fully support its relative work.

During the SCO meeting, the SCO foreign ministers will have deep discussions about further cooperation against the COVID-19, and important international and regional issues, Zhao said, adding that Wang Yi will also attend a lunch meeting with his Russian and Indian counterparts. 

Talking about the Chinese foreign minister's visit in Russia, Zhao said that the two countries are each other's largest neighbors and strategic partners of coordination, and this year the top leaders have maintained close interactions via letters and phone calls, which help to lead the development of the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.

Wang will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and attend a joint press conference during the visit, Zhao said.

Noting that Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia are all important neighbors of China — China has a permanent comprehensive strategic partnership with Kazakhstan, have comprehensive strategic partnerships with Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia, Zhao said that the visits will further consolidate the relationships.

During the visits, Wang will meet the leaders and hold talks with his counterparts of the three countries to further deepen the traditional friendship and cooperation against the COVID-19, and promote the high-quality joint building of the Belt and Road.

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