2020.09.15 15:08 GMT+8

Male dragonflies, damselflies escort females to ensure reproduction

Updated 2020.09.15 15:08 GMT+8

Male dragonflies and damselflies sometimes fly around females that are laying eggs to drive away other males and ensure paternity of the offspring.

A pair of dragonflies, male flying above female. /Wen Yuchuan

A pair of damselflies, male flying above female while the female lays eggs. /Wen Yuchuan

Some males remain attached to the females during the entire egg-laying process.

Two pairs of damselflies: the females are laying eggs with males in attendance. /Wen Yuchuan

Two pairs of damselflies in egg-laying phase. /Wen Yuchuan

A pair of damselflies in egg-laying mode. /Wen Yuchuan

A pair of dragonflies fly in tandem while in their egg-laying phase. /Wen Yuchuan

Dragonfly and damselfly enthusiast Wen Yuchuan has been taking photos of the insects in different locations of China, trying to capture these aquatic creatures as the populations of some species decline.

(All images provided by Wen Yuchuan)

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