Beluga whales take first swim in Icelandic open waters

Two beluga whales from a Shanghai aquarium took their first swim in open waters as part of their acclimatization to an Icelandic sea sanctuary. Little White and Little Grey, two 13-year-old females, left the Changfeng Ocean World in June 2019. They were flown to Iceland's Klettsvik Bay in the Westman Islands in specially tailored containers. They were moved from their land-based facility to care pools in the sea at Klettsvik Bay in August 2020.

This was the first time they had been in the sea since they were taken from a Russian research center in 2011. The sanctuary is a 32,000-square-meter sea pen that will become their home. The whales each weigh 900 kilograms and measure four meters in length. Originally from Russian Arctic waters, they were two or three years old when captured.