2020.10.20 18:55 GMT+8

Live: Visit to a primary school on China-Myanmar border

Updated 2020.10.20 18:55 GMT+8

Xiaojie Central Primary School is located in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in southwest China's Yunnan Province along the border with Myanmar. Benefiting from Xishuangbanna's abundant botanic resources, the school has a small botanical garden for students from more than 10 ethnic minority groups to learn about plants. Join CGTN's Ge Ning on a tour of this border school.

About 'Go! Yunnan' series

Yunnan Province in southwest China boasts of spectacular natural landscapes, biodiversity and diverse ethnic groups. Among China's 56 recognized ethnic groups, 25 are found in Yunnan. This livestream series takes you on a tour to six cities or autonomous prefectures in Yunnan to explore the little-known food, scenery and folk customs.

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Explore the primeval rain forest of SW China's Xishuangbanna

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