2020.10.21 14:35 GMT+8

A 90-year-old veteran's old-time memory: Peace and no war

Updated 2020.10.21 14:52 GMT+8

Zhang Runtian, born in 1930 in north China's Hebei Province, is a veteran who fought for the country in China's War of Liberation (1946–49) and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea (1950–53).

While recalling the battlefield in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, Zhang didn't talk much about how tragic it was; instead, he recalled some lucky moments with his comrades.

Zhang also revealed the biggest challenge throughout the war: inadequate weapons. "All we had were small arms; there were no heavy weapons available. They (U.S.-led UN force) used all the latest weapons. Actually, they relied on the air force." 

However, despite having the crudest weapons, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army won the battle.

As the whole country is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, one should never forget the history, the heroes and all those who have contributed strongly to the nation.

Director: Ge Ning

Camera: Fu Gaoliang, Ge Ning

Video Editor: Yu Qianhui

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