2020.12.16 10:18 GMT+8

Rare species found by expedition team at Bolivia's Zongo Valley

Updated 2020.12.16 10:18 GMT+8

A Bolivian flag snake (Eutrachelophis sp. nov.) /CFP

The "devil-eyed" frog (Oreobates zongoensis) was thought to be extinct. /CFP

A lilliputian frog. /CFP

A afer-de-lance viper. /CFP

Pictures released on December 13, 2020, by Conservation International show species recently found in Zongo Valley, north of La Paz in Bolivia. A scientific expedition discovered 20 new species of flora and fauna in the Bolivian Andes, including a snake, a viper, and a frog, and found four other species that were believed to be extinct.

(All photos by Trond Larsen/Conservation International via CFP)

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