Frank communication pivotal in China-U.S. ties
By Zheng Junfeng

"Only frank communication can prevent strategic miscalculation and avoid conflicts," said Wang Yi , China's state councilor and Foreign Minister on the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) press conference on March 7.

This is in direct response to U.S. State Secretary Antony Blinken's March 4 address outlining the Biden administration's broad foreign policy agenda, where he called China an "adversary", and America's relationship with China as its "biggest geopolitical test of the 21st century."

Meanwhile, NPC spokesman, former Chinese ambassador to the U.S. Zhang Yesui said: "China's U.S. policy has been highly stable and conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation."

Wang Yi also said "China safeguards it's sovereignty, security, and development interests. " 

China had hoped that the Biden government would reverse the damage the Trump administration caused in the past four years to the bilateral relationship. But since Biden took office, there haven't been any U.S. moves to improve ties with China. 

The extra tariffs on Chinese goods imposed by the Trump administration are still there and so are the chip ban on Huawei, restrictions on Chinese academics in the U.S., and continued hard-line rhetoric.

"Our relationship with China will be competitive when it should be, collaborative when it can be, and adversarial when it must be," Blinken said in his address. 

Wang, however, said: "As the world's top two economies, it's not surprising that China and the U.S. compete. The key is to have healthy competition, instead of attacking each other and playing zero sum games." 

The fundamental problem between China and the U.S. is a huge difference between what U.S. politicians believe China is and what China really is. U.S. politicians suspect China is playing the world power dominance game just like the U.S.

But the fact is, China will never want to be America. Ask any Chinese on the street – it's Chinese culture that people focus on themselves and are not interested in interfering with others. China's agenda is to improve its people's living standard, grow the economy and technology, and clean the environment. That's exactly the focus of the government work report announced at the Two Sessions.

Like Wang said: "Only frank communication can prevent strategic miscalculation and avoid conflicts."

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