2021.03.25 16:49 GMT+8

Live: Headline Buster – What's fueling anti-Asian attacks in the U.S.?

Updated 2021.03.25 16:49 GMT+8

The Atlanta spa shootings that killed eight people, six of whom were women of Asian descent, have spotlighted the disturbing spike in anti-Asian hate crimes in the U.S., but also other countries around the world, over the past year. Some say law enforcement's refusal to call the shootings a "hate crime" along with the media's initial coverage of the tragedy have come across as justification for mass murder, victim blaming, and one more example of a systemic refusal to acknowledge the racism that exists in American society. Given new research that directly links the spike in anti-Asian attacks to the Trump administration's use of the "China virus" slur, which began one year ago, many are asking how big a role U.S. political rhetoric has played in the violence? Have media exacerbated the issues? And what must be done? Don"t miss this week"s Headline Buster.

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