Now to Africa where many Nigerian students are benefiting from a scholarship program supported by the government of China. Our correspondent Phil Ihaza has more from Abuja.
Tamara Otonoku is studying for a master's. It's part of a Chinese scholarship scheme.
TAMARA OTONOKU Student "Currently I'm studying environmental science in Tongji University China and it has helped me open my eyes to the possible research areas in sustainable development. I am excited that I received this scholarship because it has helped me to interact with the Chinese people to experience their food and culture."
In 2019, about 7,000 Nigerian students were enrolled in tertiary studies in China and like Tamara, many of them are sponsored by the Chinese government.
Educational cooperation has become an important aspect to the China-Nigeria framework in helping to boost ties between the two nations. Experts say the visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Tanzania in 2013, re-emphasized China's interest in boosting education in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.
CHARLES ONUNAIJU Director, Center for Chinese Studies "The cooperation has come a long way. Today, Africa has the rare, unique partnership that is different from every other international partnership it has had in the past, a partnership that is both willing and able to support and engage Africa on some of the questions about its future development."
The Chinese Foreign Minister visited President Muhammadu Buhari in January. And the two countries pledged to strengthen their relationship despite the pandemic.
PHIL IHAZA Abujia "And as Nigeria and China continue to make progress in building ties, especially along the lines of education, both countries could see more innovations and industrialization that they hope will advance their economies."
The COVID-19 pandemic did pose a challenge to those studying in China physically as many students like Tamara had to return home to continue their learning online.
TAMARA OTONOKU Student "Initially I went in September 2019, I was there for about 5 months till February and then when COVID became really serious in China I had to leave and since then we've been doing the course online, but there's been no lag."
And students like Tamara hope to be at the forefront of China-Nigeria ties as they develop in the future. Phil Ihaza, CGTN, Abuja.