2021.05.29 14:23 GMT+8

Following CPC footprints: Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre

Updated 2021.06.12 20:42 GMT+8

The Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders is located in Nanjing City, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province as a memorial to over 300, 000 Chinese slaughtered by the Japanese Army during World War II. It's also one of the must-visit "red tourism" destinations in Nanjing. Red tourist sites memorialize the history, heroic martyrs and spirit of the Communist Party of China.

The massacre lasted for over six weeks in 1937, starting on December 13, which was set as National Memorial Day in 2014 to mourn those victims. The memorial hall is the host site for the commemorative activities.

Visitors can see sculptures and relief carvings among green pines and cypresses outside the Memorial Hall, along with the monument engraved with the exact dates of the massacre: "1937.12.13 - 1938.1."

People visit the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, east China, August 13, 2017. /CFP

Pictures, books, diaries, illuminated display cabinets and documentary films are displayed in chronological order inside the memorial hall. The hall exhibits over 200,000 items illustrating the tragedy, a sad reminder of the horrendous crimes perpetrated on the Chinese people.

The "Following CPC footprints" series is a travel guide introducing 10 historical sites of great significance to the Communist Party of China and recounting the story of Chinese people's efforts in building a better nation under the leadership of the Party over the past 100 years.

Read more:

Following CPC footprints: Chinese Military Museum in Beijing

(Images designer: Fan Chenxiao)

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