2021.06.02 22:39 GMT+8

Xi Jinping welcomes agricultural specialties from Dominican Republic

Updated 2021.06.03 10:34 GMT+8

China welcomes local agricultural specialties from the Dominican Republic, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday during a phone conversation with Luis Abinader, president of the Dominican Republic.

The Chinese president said he supports more Chinese companies investing in the Dominican Republic – an aspiration that is in line with the country's 14th Five-Year Plan which stresses further opening up.

Data from Chinese Customs shows the bilateral trade was worth $2.791 billion in 2020, and China has become one of the Dominican Republic's major trading partners. 

The two sides signed a protocol on quarantine requirements for the export of fresh avocados last year from the Dominican Republic to China, making the former the fifth Latin American country to be allowed to export avocados to China, following Mexico, Peru, Chile and Colombia.

On cooperation against COVID-19, Xi said that China will continue to provide as much support as it can for the Dominican Republic's fight against the coronavirus and he is confident that under Abinader's leadership, the Dominican Republic will defeat the pandemic at an early date.

A staff member transports China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines at an international airport in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, February 23, 2021. /Xinhua

Noting that the Communist Party of China (CPC) will soon celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding, Xi stressed that putting people first is the CPC's fundamental political principle, which highly dovetails with the "people-first" governing philosophy advocated by the Dominican Republic. 

China is ready to work with the Dominican Republic to strengthen exchanges on governing philosophies, deepen political mutual trust and promote common development, Xi said.

He also said he hopes that the Dominican Republic can play a positive role in China's relationship with Caribbean and Central American countries.

For his part, Abinader congratulated China on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. He also thanked China for providing medical help, which played a "key role" in the fight against COVID-19. 

The Dominican Republic, he added, sticks firmly to the one-China policy, and stands ready to enhance exchanges with China and expand bilateral cooperation in economy, trade and other fields.

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