2021.07.05 21:04 GMT+8

Why and how the CPC proves itself in the world

Updated 2021.07.05 21:04 GMT+8
Rabi Sankar Bosu

A tributary display outside the Museum of the Communist Party of China in Beijing, China, June 23, 2021. /CFP

Editor's note: Rabi Sankar Bosu is an Indian contributor to Chinese media outlets. He writes about Chinese politics, social and cultural issues, and China-India relations with a special interest in the Belt and Road Initiative. The article reflects the author's views, and not necessarily those of CGTN.

On July 1, 2021, the Chinese people celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). It was an occasion for the Chinese people to tell the world how China under the guidance of the CPC has created many great feats in every facet of human endeavor in the past century. This historic commemoration also created an opportunity for the world to understand China's story of growth under the CPC leadership as well as China's political party system as a whole.

The centenary celebrations took place at a time when the United States and its allies in Europe and Asia keep trying to wage an ideological war against China and impose their Western vision on China in order to stigmatize China's ever-increasing global leadership role in terms of economy and trade in recent decades. Not only this, the U.S.-led Western block is trying to meddle in China's domestic matters.

But the bitter truth is that the Western countries not only fail to understand China's political system, but also shy away from making an honest and unbiased portrayal of the marvelous records of the CPC, which has been able to lead the world's most populous country from a poor and backward country to a prosperous and powerful country in every sense.

Today, the CPC's status is vastly different from 1921. One-hundred years later, it has over 95 million members. The past 100 years have witnessed many shining achievements made by China under the strong leadership of the CPC. The greatest achievement of the CPC is that it has taken the country forward on the path of progress by adhering to socialism with Chinese characteristics, and has been successful in bringing happiness and prosperity to the lives of the Chinese people, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

It has won the trust and support of the Chinese people during its glorious course over the past 100 years. The great confidence of the CPC comes from its performance in social governance, economic development, poverty alleviation, protection of national sovereignty and the fight against COVID-19, to list a few. China realized its first centenary goal concerning poverty alleviation by the end of the year 2020, which is the biggest achievement of the CPC. The CPC's promise to create a "better life" for the Chinese people should be a model as well as a case study for politicians and academicians around the world.

As such, the CPC's centenary celebration is no ordinary incident, rather it is a historic achievement. There are very few parties in the political history of the world that have completed 100 consecutive years without disintegration.

An art performance titled "The Great Journey" is held in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at the National Stadium in Beijing, China, June 28, 2021. /Xinhua

China's developmental experience is different from the Western road of modernization. Since its establishment, the CPC has been "seeking truth from facts," formulating rules and regulations for its governance in line with its actual problems and challenges, as well as the local conditions, which proves that a non-Western liberal democratic model can also lead to successful governance. More importantly, despite facing so many difficulties, the CPC is always changing itself, learning from its experiences, learning from what is happening in the world, and always being experimental, which has translated the Chinese dream of a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation into a living reality now.

What's more gratifying is that China's social governance model as well as its upward economic trajectory have alerted many poor and developing countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa or South America that the Western system is not universal truth, and does not absolutely lead to good governance.

When the U.S.-led Western countries criticize by arguing that China's political system doesn't have the mechanism or ability for self-innovation and self-adjustment, the hard reality is that the economic growth of the U.S. and its Western allies remain sluggish, with social discrimination getting bigger. As such, many countries have started to build up their own development model and system taking clues from China's road of independent development by reducing their dependence on America.

Instead of criticizing China's political mechanism as an "autocratic system," the United States and other Western countries which have obvious colonialist and hegemonic remnants, need to learn the basics of China's party system, which is very different from the Western parliamentary or democratic system. China's modern political system has been backed up by the People's Congress, putting the CPC leadership into the building of democratic and legal systems. China's political party system represents a wide range of people who are the masters of the country and running the country according to the law.

The CPC has cooperated with eight other political parties and "non-affiliates" in the country to establish a cohesive and harmonious new political party relationship. While elections in Western countries and other parts of the world become a power game for the rich, and political parties are gradually moving away from the people, the CPC has found a way to keep itself acceptable to the people for a long time by keeping "serving the people wholeheartedly" as its purpose.

Literally, with lofty ideals the CPC has profoundly changed China and proved the historical legitimacy of its leadership generation after generation. It is now crystal clear that China will play a bigger role on the global stage no matter what barriers the Western bloc builds.

(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at opinions@cgtn.com.)

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