Interview: How Lenovo handles global supply crunch amid the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on world trade and led to a shortage of components, creating trouble for manufacturers across the globe. Personal computer makers have been scrambling to secure supplies to meet the surge in demand as remote work and education got a massive boost during the pandemic.

The world's top PC maker, Lenovo, managed to produce more than 20 million computers for the past three quarters in a row. While major competitors Dell and HP recently reported quarterly net income growth of 42 percent and 51 percent, respectively, Lenovo's net income surged 119 percent for its latest quarter.

Guan Wei, senior vice president of Lenovo and head of its global supply chain, told CGTN that its hybrid supply chain model and arrangement before the pandemic had helped it through the storm. This model differs from its main competitors, which rely on contract manufacturers.

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