Headline Buster highlights: how media interpret China's economy

Today's riddle: How many legs does China's economy have? CNBC says it's standing on its last leg. Wall Street Journal says it's shaking on 3. But International Monetary Fund growth forecast of 8% shows it's still walking tall & can still give a legup to the global economy. So relax, no need to get cold feet.


Some Western media like to overplay the gloom & doom of China's economic performance. But this Financial Times article gives a rather fair picture without distortion or picking just sensational bits.


When the world seems so pessimistic about China's growth prospects, what makes Chris Greig of Princeton University so "optimistic"? "I never underestimate the Chinese economy and leadership to manage its way through the ups and downs."


Will China face a power cut & freezing winter? Will it disrupt manufacturing with a domino effect on global supply chains? Peking University's Li Xiang says no! Heating comes from coal & gas, thanks to the 2017 clean energy drive. Industries will get their electricity.


The media's crying itself hoarse that with Evergrande's debts, property's no more a rich growth engine for China. But Wang Dan, chief economist of Hang Seng Bank, says high-end manufacturing will be the next gold rush for investors - the foundation for growth in next 20 years.

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