Green Front: How is China dealing with white pollution?
By CGTN's Global Business

Editor's note: Green Front, a new in-depth program launched by CGTN's Global Business, features exclusive interviews with global sector leaders and takes a closer look at the challenges confronting human society amid carbon neutrality pledges.

Plastics are a major environmental issue despite the huge conveniences they brings to our lives. According to statistics, nearly 40 percent of the plastic waste that drifts to the sea comes from food delivery packages. If this pollution is not checked, we may soon end up with more plastic than fish in the sea.

So how do we tackle the white pollution problem? What is China doing in this regard? In the first episode on white pollution control, CGTN anchor Kate Kui explores the issue from a policy perspective to find solutions. Zeng Xianlai, a professor at Tsinghua University, tells CGTN about the "4Rs" in the circular economy, while Weng Yunxun, a professor at Beijing Technology and Business University, dwells at length on how degradable materials in new plastics can make a significant difference.

In the subsequent three episodes, the program will give a closer look at the innards of the world's largest chemical company BASF and its laboratory in Shanghai, Meituan Dianping, the largest global food delivery platform, and Red Avenue, a leading chemical company in China. Kui spoke to decision-makers at these establishments about solutions to make the plastics economy more sustainable. 

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