Wang Yi: China-Europe cooperation adds stability to an unstable world
Updated 18:36, 07-Mar-2022

The China-Europe relationship is not targeted at any third party, nor is it subjugated to or controlled by any third party, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a press conference on Monday.

Dialogue and cooperation between China and Europe on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit will add more stabilizing factors to an unstable world, Wang told reporters.  

"We believe that China and Europe are two major forces that safeguard the world peace," he said.

Wang reviewed achievements made through the cooperation between China and Europe last year. The trade revenue between the two sides in 2021 surpassed $800 billion for the first time, indicating a highly complementary relationship.

The China-Europe Railway Express made a record 15,000 trips last year, up 29 percent year-on-year, contributing to global cooperation on anti-pandemic, ensuring a stable global industry chain and helping the world in economic recovery.

He also noted that there are still some forces who are not happy with the stable development of the China-Europe relationship have fabricated the so-called "China threat," hyped up the competition with China and "institutional rivals," and even provoked sanctions and confrontation.

"I hope that both China and Europe will be highly vigilant about this."

China will continue to support the independence, unity, and prosperity of Europe. Meanwhile, China expects Europe to develop a more independent and objective understanding of China, pursue a pragmatic and positive China policy, jointly oppose creating a "new Cold War," and jointly maintain and practice genuine multilateralism, Wang said.  

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