Live: Green Front on World Book Day- Read with the author of Grow the Pie
Updated 20:36, 22-Apr-2022

CGTN anchor Kate Kui invites Alex Edmans, Professor of London Business School and author of Grow the Pie, to share with you his insights on why focusing on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) approach while growing the company is a value creation process with investment return. Companies should shift to pie growing mentality instead of pie splitting mentality only. 

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Live: Green Front on World Book Day- Read with the author of Grow the Pie
Updated 20:36, 22-Apr-2022

CGTN anchor Kate Kui invites Alex Edmans, Professor of London Business School and author of Grow the Pie, to share with you his insights on why focusing on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) approach while growing the company is a value creation process with investment return. Companies should shift to pie growing mentality instead of pie splitting mentality only.