2022.10.20 18:32 GMT+8

China's international influence, emotional appeal and power to shape increases: official

Updated 2022.10.20 18:32 GMT+8

China's international influence, emotional appeal and power to shape increases, Chinese official Ma Zhaoxu said at a press conference on Thursday.

The Press Center for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) hosted its fourth press conference. Ma Zhaoxu, member of the CPC Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and vice minister, exchanged ideas with journalists on the topic "Under the Guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, Forge Ahead and Strive to Break New Ground for Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics."

In the past decade of the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core has guided China's major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics to a new success, Ma said.

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