Protect wetlands, protect our common planet

Wetlands are generous and warm. Across the world, 40% of plant and animal species live in wetlands, more than a billion people depend on wetlands for their livelihoods.

Wetlands are strong and protective. They cushion the impacts of floods, droughts, hurricanes and tsunamis, and build resilience to climate change. 

Wetlands are also endangered. They are disappearing three times faster than forests, and are among the ecosystems with the highest rates of decline.

The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP14) hosts in China's Wuhan and  Switzerland Geneva. Let's make the agreement together and protect our common planet.

For more:

CGTN Nature to release new series 'Journeys in Nature: City of Wetlands'

Which species adorn COP14 on Wetlands logo?

Why was Wuhan chosen to host COP14 on Wetlands?

COP14: Get to know importance of wetlands in 60 seconds

(Video by CGTN Nature film crew.)

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