2022.11.09 11:50 GMT+8

Artist Cao Jun creates iconic color as cultural symbol

Updated 2022.11.09 11:50 GMT+8
The Vibe

Cao Jun brought his art back to China from his adopted home New Zealand, demonstrating his creativity of and love for Chinese culture. An exhibition of his works was held recently at Rongbaozhai's Contemporary Art Museum in Beijing.

This time, the artist highlighted his understanding of nature. For example, Cao portrayed his impression of the South Pole by detailing the calving of a glacier, transporting viewers to this mesmerizing event.

Cao's description of the South Pole. /The Vibe

Born in 1966, Cao combines elements of Asian and Western cultures in his works, building his own aesthetic and unique painting style. From using ink from traditional Chinese calligraphy to utilizing Western modernist elements, he found a perfect way to balance these disparate cultures and painting styles.

Cao's works are exhibited at Rongbaozhai's Contemporary Art Museum in Beijing. /The Vibe

Cao Jun Blue is the artist's most famous color and symbol, which helped establish his name at the Nassau County Museum of Art in New York. Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Marie Françoise Gilot and Yves Klein's artworks, along with Cao's, were shown at that same exhibition. Cao Jun Blue caught the public eye and became a renowned color, distinct from other shades of blue and cherished for its serene, pure and calm essence.

Cao Jun Blue. /The Vibe

Cao spent years establishing his career with many noteworthy artworks. He won the Gold Medal at the Louvre Museum in Paris in 2013. In 2018, he held a solo exhibition at the McMullen Museum of Art in Boston, U.S.

The artist said he felt moved by the moments drawn from life and nature and used his own language and method to convey his emotions. Cao hopes viewers can feel the same love, care, energy and nature through his artworks.

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