Tech & Sci
2022.12.10 12:58 GMT+8

Plan your nights for Geminids meteor shower 2022, peaking on Dec. 14

Updated 2022.12.10 16:07 GMT+8

A Geminids meteor crossing over the Wumen Gate of the Palace Museum in Beijing, December 14, 2022. /CFP

Keep an eye on the sky over the coming week and prepare for the meteoroid shower of the year, the Geminids. The Geminids meteor shower is active starting from December 4 and lasts until the 17. It is predicted to reach its peak on the evening of December 13 into the pre-dawn of the 14.

It is deemed the best and most reliable annual meteor shower as it produces approximately 100-150 meteors per hour during peak activity and ultimate weather conditions.

However, this year's December Geminids is again outshined by a bright waning gibbous moon (about 70 percent of the full moon), similar to the case in the previous year.

Unlike other meteor showers that can be traced to an active comet, the Geminids are unique as it comes from debris of a near-earth asteroid known as 3200 Phaethon. The shower is named as its meteors appeared to come from the radiant in the constellation Gemini.

The Geminids can be seen by most of the world. Yet, it is best viewed by observers in the northern hemisphere.

Geminids meteors tend to be bold, white and quick. The brightest ones will overcome the light of the moon, so there's still a good chance to capture a shining star crossing over the sky.

Check out the guide below for a spectacular meteor shower watch!

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