Winter fishing season in full swing at China's Chagan Lake

Winter fishing is in full swing on Chagan Lake, a traditional inland fishing ground in northeast China's Jilin Province, with the fishermen mainly using larger-hole fishnets to better conserve the local fish resources. The ice has exceeded 45 centimeters thick on the 500-square-kilometer Chagan Lake in Songyuan City of Jilin Province, one of the largest freshwater lakes in China. 

For centuries, fisherfolks living by Chagan Lake have kept alive the tradition of ice fishing, hand-drilling holes through thick ice and placing nets beneath to catch fish. The nets will later be pulled out by a horse-drawn winch. The technique was listed as a national-level intangible cultural heritage item in 2008. This year's winter fishing started on December 14 and will last until February 2023.

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