2022.12.30 09:47 GMT+8

Visions behind Chinese modernization

Updated 2022.12.30 09:47 GMT+8
Visions behind Chinese modernization

Editor's Note: Modernization is not an abstract word in China. Chinese modernization contains elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries, but it is more characterized by features that are unique to the Chinese context. How does China explore its way to modernization? Two Chinese political scientists, Chen Li, former director of the Academic and Editorial Committee at Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, and Sheng Mingfu, executive president of China Association of Policy Science, share their observation. The opinions expressed in the video are their own and not necessarily those of CGTN.

CGTN: How to understand the Chinese modernization?

Chen Li: It is about the goals and paths of China's future development. That is to say, it is to decide in what way or through what path China will take to realize its modernization. It highlights the need to bear China's national conditions in mind and to explore paths suited to the realities of China.

Looking back at the human history of modernization, we can see it clearly that over 200 years of western modernization is more of a development in chronological order – from industrialization, to urbanization, to agricultural modernization and to informatization. That is their development sequence. China should tap into the advantage of being a late comer which allows different sectors to develop in parallel, that is, to enable industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization to go in tandem.

Sheng Mingfu: I believe Chinese modernization are demonstrated with three characteristics.

First, it reflects our national conditions. China is home to 1.4 billion people with disparities in our eastern, southern, western, northern and central regions. In such a big populous country with imbalanced growth to realize modernization, its methods and features of advancement, and pathways of development will be unique. That's why all these must start from national conditions.

Second, it shows our system's characteristics. We practice socialism with Chinese characteristics, and common prosperity represents a defining feature of our system. To reach the goal, we pursue not only material abundance, but cultural-ethical enrichment as well.

Third, it reflects our cultures. In traditional Chinese culture, take "the unification of heaven and humanity into one" for example, it refers to the harmony between man and nature. In addition, our traditions stress benevolence and honesty, which are actually about harmony, cooperation and win-win. So, Chinese modernization emphasizes a harmonious coexistence between man and nature and modernization based on a path of peaceful development.

Editors: Xiao Qiong

Graphic designer: Qi Haiming

Producer: Wang Ying

Chief editor: Li Shouen

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