2023.02.21 22:14 GMT+8

Global Security Initiative: A vital step towards promoting world peace

Updated 2023.02.21 22:14 GMT+8
Mariam Shah

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang addresses the Lanting Forum in Beijing, capital of China, February 21, 2023. /Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Editor's note: Mariam Shah is an Islamabad-based independent researcher in the field of conflict studies and military psychology. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

China released a Global Security Initiative Concept Paper on February 21 in response to the current global risks and challenges, including the escalating Ukraine crisis. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang shared the document during the Lanting Forum in Beijing, where he outlined the paper's ideas and principles, described the cooperation mechanisms, and reiterated China's duty and unwavering resolve to protect world peace. The concept paper lists 20 significant areas of cooperation.

There is a need to realize that the issue of security is critical to the well-being of all, peace and the future of humanity. Since the world has become a global village, states and citizens have been interdependent on each other for technology and development through cooperation and collaboration. International peace and stability are reliant on the stability of all states. However, the world faces unprecedented risks and challenges, such as regional security flashpoints, local conflicts, the COVID-19 pandemic, unilateralism, and protectionism.

The significance of the Global Security Initiative (GSI) proposed by the Chinese President Xi Jinping is that it discusses eliminating the root causes of international conflicts, improving global security governance, promoting joint international efforts, and encouraging durable peace and development worldwide.

Moreover, to achieve all these underlined desired goals, the GSI emphasizes six core concepts and principles that are common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security; respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries; abiding by the UN Charter; taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously; peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation; and maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains. Resolving disputes through dialogue and rejecting power politics is one of the main principles.

Another significant aspect of the GSI is that it emphasizes the importance of global cooperation to achieve lasting world peace. It called on all countries and organizations to work together to create a community of shared security. Upholding these principles and promoting cooperation can undoubtedly lead to a balanced, effective, and sustainable security architecture, ensuring universal and shared security for all.

The GSI highlighted and called for actively formulating a "New Agenda for Peace," promoting coordination and interaction among countries, upholding the consensus that nuclear war must never be fought, and promoting the political settlement of international and regional hotspot issues.

A screenshot of the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. /Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

China emphasized that all countries are responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It highlighted supporting and improving the ASEAN-centered regional security cooperation mechanism and architecture, implementing a five-point proposal on realizing peace and stability in the Middle East, and supporting the efforts of African countries, the AU, and sub-regional organizations. Moreover, the document also stressed keeping and supporting the existing regional security apparatuses.

The document also stressed that the global powers must lead by example in complying with the UN Charter and international law, promoting mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, win-win cooperation, and managing differences. China reaffirmed its commitment to conducting bilateral and multilateral security cooperation with all countries and organizations under the framework of the GSI and promoting coordination of security concepts and convergence of interests.

Unfortunately, few states don't recognize the importance of global peace as they divide the nations into blocks and power politics. At this point, when various states are busy intensifying, escalating conflicts, and dividing the world into blocks, China's initiative to talk about peace and inclusivity by issuing the GSI is the right step in the right direction at the right time.

Presently, the global order is in chaos; there are protracted conflicts and ever-emerging threats that risk the future of the planet and generations to come. Besides the rise of terrorist threats, there is an increase in conventional and unconventional warfare. This is high time the global powers should address and promote peace rather than fuel conflicts. China took the lead through the GSI document, as this is a crucial step toward promoting world peace.

The GSI may become a guiding tool to promote peace and collaboration and understand the importance of convergence of interests. The international community should work towards creating a world that upholds morality, justice, and the right ideas to build lasting peace and development.

China has initiated the debate and provided a guide; now, it is up to others to follow the lead and make this world a better place for future generations.

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