2023.03.03 11:31 GMT+8

Unboxing Two Sessions: Where China's education is heading to

Updated 2023.03.03 11:31 GMT+8

In the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, education was placed in a more prominent position together with sci-tech and talent development. As such, better coordination and proper policy prescriptions for these three aspects of development will surely take center stage at the Two Sessions. In this episode of Unboxing Two Sessions, let's unbox China's policy trends in education.

Unboxing Two Sessions is a "box" of China's policy trends that we can expect to see at this year's Two Sessions, a key event on China's political calendar. This year's event will be the first one after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, marking a crucial year for marching toward Chinese modernization. Click here to unbox.

For more: Unbox the Two Sessions 2023

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