2023.03.12 21:20 GMT+8

Heated discussions about the environment at the Two Sessions

Updated 2023.03.12 21:20 GMT+8
Yang Xinmeng

Ecological and environmental issues are a hot topic at the Two Sessions this year. Many of the adjustments being made at the sessions are related to this area. For instance, not only has the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee created its first new sector since 1993 – the Environment Resources Sector – it boasts the most members! Also, the plan for reforming State Council institutions shifts responsibility for ecological technology from the Ministry of Science and Technology to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. And the government work report directs to strengthen environmental protection and pursue green and low-carbon development.

In the first Ministers' Corridor, the minister of ecology and environment said that the nation's ecological environment has undergone significant changes. China now has the world's fastest-improving air quality, the largest use of renewable energy and the largest increase in forest resources. During the past 10 years, the PM2.5 density in China's major cities fell by 57 percent, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP declined by 34.4 percent. 

Through the interviews, some deputies working in the ecological industry mentioned the achievements they witnessed across the country, shared the motions and proposals they have put forward - all related to environmental legislation, and expressed why it is an urgent appeal.

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